How To Remove Gas From Stomach Instantly Home Remedies


How To Remove Gas From Stomach Instantly Home Remedies

Stomach gas is the root cause of many diseases. It is a common problem that can cause discomfort, but there are ways to ease it at home. Natural remedies can offer quick relief without the need for medication.

Trying out alternatives like warm ginger tea, peppermint tea, fennel seeds or a blend of lemon juice and baking soda can help alleviate stomach gas immediately. These solutions are simple to implement and are readily available in most households, making them convenient options for instant relief.

Let it out

When you have gas in your stomach, a natural way to find relief is to simply release it. Home remedies, such as gentle exercise like walking or practicing yoga poses, can help alleviate gas buildup. Additionally, taking deep breaths and utilizing relaxation techniques like meditation can help quickly and naturally reduce bloating and discomfort.

Pass stool

If you experience stomach gas, passing stool can help alleviate it. Including more fiber-rich foods in your diet, such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains, can aid in healthy digestion and reduce gas discomfort. Additionally, staying hydrated and engaging in gentle physical activity can further promote regular bowel movements for immediate relief..

Abdominal Oil Massage

Abdominal Oil Massage

An abdominal oil massage is a great way to reduce stomach gas at home. Gently massaging warm oil in circular motions on the abdomen can aid in digestion and decrease gas buildup. Incorporating essential oils such as peppermint or ginger can further enhance the relief. This easy and relaxing method can quickly alleviate gas discomfort and provide immediate comfort.

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Drink Warm Water

Sipping on some warm water can be a quick and easy way to get rid of bloating and gas in your stomach. The heat from the water helps to calm your digestive system and release any trapped gas. For an extra boost, try adding a little lemon juice or ginger. This natural remedy is simple to make and can offer fast relief from stomach discomfort in the comfort of your own home.

Choose non-carbonated drinks

Choose non-carbonated drinks

Opting for non-carbonated drinks is a smart home remedy to instantly relieve stomach gas. Carbonated beverages can exacerbate gas issues, so choosing non-fizzy options like water, herbal teas or diluted fruit juices can help ease discomfort. These non-carbonated drinks are gentle on the stomach and can provide quick relief from gas at home.

Eliminate trigger foods

Eliminate trigger foods
  • Identify trigger foods that cause gas such as beans, onions and carbonated drinks.
  • Avoid consuming large meals to prevent excessive gas production.
  • Opt for smaller more frequent meals throughout the day.
  • Incorporate probiotic-rich foods like yogurt and kefir to promote gut health.
  • Chew food slowly and thoroughly to aid digestion and reduce gas.
  • Use herbs like peppermint or ginger in cooking or as teas to soothe the digestive system.
  • Practice relaxation techniques like deep breathing to reduce stress-related gas.
  • Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water to maintain healthy digestion.
  • Consider over-the-counter gas-relief medications for immediate relief when needed.
  • Consult a healthcare professional if gas symptoms persist or worsen over time.

Herbal tea

Herbal tea

Herbal teas can be effective in relieving gas and bloating due to their natural properties. When using herbal tea to relieve gas, steep the herbs in hot water for 5-10 minutes, strain and sip slowly. Enjoying a cup after meals or when experiencing gas symptoms can provide quick relief:

Peppermint Tea: Contains menthol that relaxes the muscles of the digestive tract, aiding in the expulsion of gas.

Ginger Tea: Has anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe the digestive system and alleviate gas-related discomfort.

Chamomile Tea: Known for its calming effects, chamomile tea can ease digestive spasms and reduce gas buildup.

Chamomile Tea

Fennel Tea: Contains compounds that help relax the digestive muscles and reduce bloating and gas.

Dandelion Tea: Acts as a mild diuretic, promoting the elimination of excess gas and fluids from the body.

Fennel seeds

Fennel seeds are a well-known and powerful natural remedy for rapidly easing stomach gas. They have properties that help to relax the muscles in the digestive system and alleviate bloating. One way to use fennel seeds is to chew on around half a teaspoon of them after meals or if you are feeling discomfort from gas. Another option is to brew fennel seeds in hot water to create a calming tea. This home remedy is readily available, inexpensive, and can offer immediate relief from gas problems.

Clove oil

Clove oil is a powerful and quick-acting remedy for stomach gas. It has compounds such as eugenol that can calm digestive spasms and lessen gas buildup. To apply clove oil, blend a couple of drops with a carrier oil like coconut oil, then softly massage it onto your stomach in circular movements.

Alternatively, you can mix a drop or two of clove oil into warm water and sip it as a tea. While this natural solution is efficient, it’s important to use clove oil in moderation because of its intense taste and strength.



When you’re dealing with a gassy stomach, applying some heat to your abdomen can work wonders. You don’t need anything fancy – just grab a heating pad, a warm towel, or a hot water bottle and gently place it on your tummy. The heat will help relax your digestive muscles, making it easier for trapped gas to escape. This simple home remedy is a quick fix for bloating and gas pain.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is commonly used as a natural remedy to help relieve stomach gas quickly. It’s rich in acetic acid, which can assist in digestion and lessen bloating. One simple way to utilize apple cider vinegar is by adding one to two tablespoons to a glass of water and consuming it before meals or when you’re feeling gassy. The acidity of apple cider vinegar aids in regulating stomach pH levels and supporting proper digestion, offering swift relief from gas troubles. But be sure to dilute apple cider vinegar adequately to prevent any potential irritation.

Use activated charcoal

Activated charcoal is a natural remedy that can help remove gas from the stomach quickly. It works by adsorbing gas and toxins in the digestive tract, reducing bloating and discomfort. Take activated charcoal capsules as directed on the packaging for fast relief from gas-related issues.

Use activated charcoal

Take probiotics

Taking probiotics is a beneficial home remedy for swiftly alleviating stomach gas. These live bacteria promote a healthy gut environment, aiding in digestion and reducing gas production. Consume probiotic-rich foods like yogurt or take probiotic supplements for quick gas relief.


Engaging in physical exercise is a simple home remedy for promptly relieving stomach gas. Movement helps stimulate digestion and reduces bloating by encouraging gas to move through the digestive tract. Light activities like walking, stretching or yoga can be effective in alleviating gas discomfort quickly.

Deep breathing

Deep breathing

Deep breathing is an effective home remedy for swiftly easing stomach gas. Taking slow deep breaths helps relax the digestive muscles and encourages the expulsion of trapped gas. Practice deep breathing exercises regularly for instant relief from gas-related discomfort.

Over-the-counter remedies

Over-the-counter remedies are convenient options for quickly relieving stomach gas. Antacids containing simethicone can break down gas bubbles, providing instant relief. Gas-relief tablets and liquids are readily available and can be effective in alleviating bloating and discomfort caused by gas.

Causes of Gas

Causes of Gas

Gas in the digestive tract primarily arises from two sources: swallowed air and the breakdown of certain foods during digestion.

Lifestyle Factors

Lifestyle choices can significantly impact gas production with smoking and stress being notable contributors.

Smoking and Gas Production: Smoking can lead to swallowing air, increasing gas in the digestive system.

Stress and Its Impact on Digestion: Stress can affect digestion, leading to slower movement of food through the digestive tract and potential gas buildup.

Dietary Factors

Certain foods and eating habits can also influence gas production and digestive discomfort.

Foods That Can Cause Gas: High-fiber foods like beans and broccoli, sugary foods, beverages and carbonated drinks are common culprits.

High-Fiber Foods (e.g., beans, broccoli): While nutritious, these foods can produce gas as they are broken down in the digestive system.

Sugary Foods and Beverages: Sugars can ferment in the gut, leading to gas production.

Carbonated Drinks: The bubbles in carbonated drinks can result in increased gas.

Eating Habits That Contribute to Gas: Eating too quickly or frequently chewing gum or sucking on hard candies can introduce excess air into the digestive system, contributing to gas discomfort.

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Precaution Measures

Precaution Measures

Implementing certain precautionary measures can help reduce gas and improve digestive comfort.

Use a Glass of Water before Meals: Drinking a glass of water before meals can aid digestion and prevent overeating, reducing the likelihood of gas buildup.

Eat Slowly: Chewing food thoroughly and eating slowly allows for better digestion and reduces the intake of excess air, which can contribute to gas.

Avoid Chewing Gum: Chewing gum can lead to swallowing air, increasing gas production in the digestive system. It’s advisable to minimize gum chewing to alleviate gas discomfort.

Say No to Straws: Drinking through straws can cause air to enter the digestive tract, leading to gas. Opt for drinking directly from a glass or cup instead.

Quit Smoking: Smoking can increase gas production by introducing air into the digestive system. Quitting smoking can help reduce gas-related discomfort and improve overall health.

Regular Walk after Dinner: Taking a leisurely walk after meals can aid digestion and promote the movement of gas through the digestive tract, reducing bloating and discomfort.

Frequently asked questions

What are some quick home remedies to remove gas from the stomach instantly?

Quick home remedies include drinking warm ginger tea, massaging the abdomen with peppermint oil or taking activated charcoal capsules.

Does drinking warm water help in relieving stomach gas instantly?

Yes, drinking warm water can help relax the digestive tract and promote the expulsion of gas, providing instant relief.

Can herbal teas like chamomile or fennel help with stomach gas?

Yes, herbal teas like chamomile and fennel can aid digestion, reduce bloating, and alleviate gas discomfort.

Is it beneficial to chew on fennel seeds for gas relief?

Yes, chewing on fennel seeds after meals can help reduce gas and improve digestion due to their carminative properties.

Do deep breathing exercises help in getting rid of stomach gas?

Yes, deep breathing exercises can relax the digestive muscles, ease gas passage and provide quick relief from gas-related discomfort.

Are probiotics effective for reducing stomach gas instantly?

Yes, probiotics promote a healthy gut environment and aid digestion, which can help reduce gas production and alleviate discomfort.

Can activated charcoal capsules help in removing stomach gas instantly?

Yes, activated charcoal capsules can adsorb gas and toxins in the digestive tract, providing rapid relief from gas-related issues.

Are there any specific dietary changes that can help prevent stomach gas?

Yes, avoiding gas-producing foods like beans, onions, and carbonated drinks and adopting healthy eating habits can help prevent stomach gas.


Home remedies can be a great way to quickly ease stomach gas. From enjoying a cup of warm ginger tea to trying deep breathing exercises or adding probiotics to your diet, there are simple and effective options available. These methods can provide instant relief and support healthy digestion. It’s important to keep in mind some preventive measures, such as eating slowly, staying hydrated and avoiding foods that can cause gas.

By following these steps, individuals can effectively manage discomfort related to gas and maintain overall digestive well-being. The key to immediate relief from stomach gas lies in a combination of natural remedies, healthy eating habits, and lifestyle changes. These strategies not only offer quick relief but also contribute to long-term digestive health. It’s crucial to take care of your digestive system for overall wellness.

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